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Hampton Class

When a child enters Hampton class, they will have some fluency in Reading, Writing and Maths.  The curriculum blends together the National Curriculum from the end of Key Stage 1 and the beginning of Key Stage 2, ensuring children from both year 2 and year 3 move forward in their learning. A child’s Literacy skills will be developed by extending their exposure to a range of class texts, which are used to enthuse the imagination and provide starting points for writing. A widening knowledge of books and their authors is actively encouraged through reading and discussion, with daily guided reading sessions being an important part of the timetable.  Phonics skills are developed, with spelling teaching continuing once phonic knowledge is secure. Children are taught spelling rules, and editing skills are developed as proficiency in writing becomes more secure. Handwriting is also an important part of writing ability, and children are expected to be able to use joined handwriting fluently by the time they leave Hampton Class.

As Maths fluency strengthens, we develop reasoning and problem-solving skills, enabling each child to apply their knowledge in a range of contexts. Both English and Maths are incorporated across the curriculum, alongside Computing.  Science, History and Geography are taught through key topics, with enrichment activities and off-site visits forming an important part of provision. Art, DT, PE, Music, RE, PSHE and French also play an important part in the timetable and are taught predominantly in the afternoon, both within topics and as separate subjects, as most appropriate.

Home learning continues to play an important role and develops as a child moves through Hampton Class. Daily home reading is encouraged and spelling and times tables practice is also expected in order to support school learning.

Don’t forget to visit Class Dojo for up-to-date information and photos of your child’s learning.