Please note some of these policies may be being updated and are therefore unavailable at present;

Absconding Policy

Acceptable use of Technology Policy – Learner

Acceptable use of Technology Policy – Staff, Visitor and Volunteer

Accessibility Policy

Admissions Policy

Allegations of Abuse against Staff Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Attendance Policy

Bereavement Policy

British Values Statement

Calculation Policy

Camera and Image Policy

Charging Policy

Child Protection Policy

Code of Conduct

Communication Policy

Complaints Pollicy

Curriculum Teaching and Learning Policy

Data Protection Policy

Educational Visits Policy

English Policy

Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Equality Objectives

EYFS Policy

First Aid Policy

Handwriting Progression

Health and Safety Policy

Health Needs Policy

Infection Control Policy

Intimate Care Policy

Local Learning Area Policy

Looked After Children

Low Level Concerns Policy

Maths Policy

Medical Needs Policy

Mobile devices and Social Media Policy

Parent Partnership Agreement

Physical Intervention Policy

Positive Relationships Policy

Positive Relationship Strategy Summary

Privacy Notice

Support Ladder

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Risk Register

Science Policy

SEND Policy (further information from Kent click here)

SEND Information Report

SEND Charter

Social Media Policy

Supervision Policy

Uniform Policy

Visitor and Parent Expectation Policy

Volunteers Policy

Whistleblowing Policy




If you would like a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact Mrs T Daters or the office where these will be provided free of charge.